Wizard Tactics

A game about wizards tacticsing each other to death.

Wizard Tactics (actual name TBD) is an in-development simultaneous turn-based versus game about lethal wizard battles with physics and element interactions. The game began development on January 25, 2020 and was released into closed alpha on October 4th, 2020. A public demo was then released on September 17th, 2021. The game will release into open beta once I feel comfortable that the amount of content in the game justifies putting it up for sale.

You can find the game’s page on itch.io and can keep up to date on the game’s progress in its Discord server, on my blog, and on my Twitter. You can also read through all my development related tweets through this Twitter Moment and see how the project developed over time.

A picture of wizards fighting on a field of water and ice.A wizard firing lightning at another wizard, who is blocking it with a wall of rocks.

A wizard firing lightning at a wizard who is spraying fire out.A spell selection menu.