Adventures in God-sitting

This is a mini soundtrack I wrote for my roommate’s homebrew DnD campaign as an excuse to practice composing and audio production (and also because custom soundtracks are fun). The DnD campaign was based around raising a newly born god as she grew up over a compressed period of a few months while trying to fend off those who wanted to steal her power for their own before she could grow up and ascend to full godhood.

You can buy the album on Bandcamp if you so wish.

Each track’s description has a more in-depth summary of the goal of the track and the related background story of the campaign, but here’s a general overview of the tracks.

  1. The Little God’s Lullaby - Cecilia’s theme; a music box given to her at birth
  2. Lillian the God-Scarred - Lillian’s theme; serves as an intro to her boss battle music
  3. Ascension Fight - Lillian’s boss battle music; 3 2 1 LET’S JAM
  4. The Ascension - Cecilia ascends to full godhood